Welcome to my blog x

Welcome to my blog x

Friday, 31 January 2014

Cos I'm Happy.

Took a screenshot am so impressed by this. It's been only 3 and a half weeks since this blog was first made and look at that! I am hoping to get through Europe and go worldwide. Big dreams. 

Anyway thanks so much, it is greatly appreciated. Love you guys lots. Remember to love minions! :)

Sunday, 26 January 2014

Making New Friends & Surviving High School.

Hai sorry I haven't been blogging, haven't been able to access my account :(

Loads of you have been asking about tips for making friends so I decided to make a blog post about it.

This is often a horrible dilemma that occurs at school.

At my school, every year the whole year is mixed up and I am never with my friends so I find myself 

making new friends every year which is really annoying!

So trust me when I say, I have been in this situation sooo many times! 


  • I hate to sound like a mom but be yourself. Honestly. I know a girl who acts differently around people and no one likes her that much because she never acts like herself.
  • Following on from that, don't change around others.
  • Be confident. If you spot a group of friendly-looking girls go up to them and say hi. They won't bite! Making friends is all about putting in effort to talk to people and chat with a mixed crowd.
  • At every school there is always a 'Queen Bee' who thinks their Blair Waldorf and can control people. DO NOT give into these kind of people, the kinds who think their so popular and cool and dominating. If they ask you to carry their things, calmly say no thanks and walk away. PLEASE DO NOT GIVE IN!!! It won't make you popular it will make them think they can take advantage of you!
  • Following on from that, don't let anyone take advantage of you. Don't be timid. Be you! I'm not saying to act loud and confident if you're a genuinely quiet person - I am very quiet however I don't let anyone take advantage of me. For example if someone says, 'you can't wear that! You have to wear this!' Say, I can wear what I want and walk away calmly and cooly. 
  • Make the effort with all the friends you make. Sit next to them in class if you want to. Chat with them at break. If you make the effort, they should make the effort too. However if they make no effort at all in your friendship there is not much point, just say you always wait for them but they never wait for you or you always stick up for them but they never stick up for you. Those are key examples of not too good friends.
  • Lastly, don't abandon your friends for new friends. Share your time equally with the new friends you make and your old friends. You may have some friends in another class you can spend time with.

Hope that helped ;) Stay awesome and play Minion Rush and read planetjoyce219.blogspot.co.uk!! :)

Sunday, 19 January 2014

Q & A with Queeny!

Hai everyone, welcome back! 

A lot of you have been asking (BEGGING!) for a Q & A all about me!

When I first heard the idea I was like -

After a few more requests, I decided to do a question and answer with YOUR questions featured! 

Here it is - ladies and gents!!! 


What is your favourite blog?

Answer: I have a few favourite blogs but my real favourite is PlanetJoyce219's blog. It is amazing and 

fabulous ( waaay better than mine!!) Please check it out after this!


Who do you idolise?

Answer: Tbh I don't idolise any celeb or look up to anyone. I love loads of celebs but none of them I can call idols. 


Have you ever been bullied in real life?

Answer: Sadly yes at my old school i was bullied and ignored and felt miserable.
So I changed schools and now I am extremely happy. I mean there are some mean girls and spoilt brats but hey you get that everywhere don't u?


What is your favourite song?

Answer: My favourite song is cannonball by lea michele. Some of u may not have heard it yet but it is an amazing, inspirational song just like the fabulous singer and has some osm to-die-for vocals!!
My MP3 player at the top has it featured and all my other fav songs! I do have some new fav songs as well (may do a post about songs, idk)


What do you wear everyday?

Answer: My wardrobe is bursting with clothes! My style is preppy and chic and I usually wear bright and dark clothes, long knee-high socks and skirts. I never wear bootleg jeans (i used to wear them all the time) so if i wear jeans they will be skinny and paired with a colourful top or sweater - I adore sweaters!!!

Thats all for today, sorry for the extra long post. 

Hope you learnt more about me whilst reading this. Will do a '5 things you should know about me' post sometime! Ciao x

Tuesday, 14 January 2014

New Levels.

I am pretty sure we are all thinking inside our heads: what the hell

when we log into movie-star-planet and find these new levels.

These levels are utterly ridiculous. 

How on earth are we meant to get to level 100?

I think the MSP staff should have increased the levels to 35 or 

something not something as dumb as 100.

MSP what were you thinking? Honestly I am thinking 

about quitting. It's not definite and if I quit I will not be making a fuss.

I really hope MSP changes this or we will all be in trouble!

Queeny x

Tuesday, 7 January 2014

303 pageviews.

Oh wow I am so pleased at the amount of page views! I am really happy since it has been five days 

since I made the blog and so many page views! I am hoping for 2,000 at the end of the year! 

Please follow to see all my latest and coolest posts. Thank you guys, luv you all. 

Earning Fame.

This flipping fame bar don't move. Please help me till level 19 guys.

Fame Lacking.

I am so sad at what is going on with my movie star. 

Fame is lacking so badly, people are not even bothering to help.

I may be quitting if this continues, no joke.

If I do quit it will be done quietly, I will not delete me account I will just leave. 

If I decide about deleting it will be done, no ridiculousness. 

So please start helping. Just some help will change everything. 

Love Queeny

Help me get to level 19.

How to look Amazing on Movie Star Planet♥

How to look amazing on Movie Star Planet.
A few simple tips and tricks to turn you 
into a fashionista. 

On Movie Star Planet everyone tries to look their best with fabulous
accessories, beautiful dresses, plump pink lips and bright emerald eyes. 
But not everyone knows to match their clothes well and look their best.
You don't have to have a VIP to look amazing!

For example some people wear the sultriest clothes they can find
but it doesn't suit them. 
It's not always about outfits as well, some people try and pull off the pale skin 
and bright red lips look.

First of all lets start with eyes. 

Non VIP:

These eyes are the most gorgeous non-vip eyes. They live in the back of the eye shop. 
Paired with a light greyish blue eyeshadow and a set of pink lips, these 
eyes look amazing. 

Some movie star planet stars try and pull of the pale, whitish grey skin and are not so successful. 
To pull this off, you need a pale pink lip colour like above 

and neon blue eyes (see below.)

Neon eye colours.

Please do not pair pale gold lips with pale skin and pale blue eyes,
this will not mesh well. If you want to go further for the really pale
skin choose a deeper pink and chocolate brown eyes.


VIP have more of a choice of eyes I like the eyes on the bottom row, first page, in the middle.
These would look amazing with a black eyeshadow. The eyeshadows that go all around

the eyes do not look as good as the ones that fringe the top of the eyes. 

These types of eyes are only 250 star coins!

For lips the perfect pout is the nicest for VIP (the first lips on the page.) The lips look the best in a light red and a rosy pink. For non VIP the lips on the second row in the middle look the best in a nice glossy shade of pink (see below) or a nice shade of red (also see below.)

These types of lips are 300 star coins for non VIP and 400 star coins for VIP. 

Outfits & Clothes.

Outfits are always difficult on MSP. There are so many clothing items to choose for and a wide range of colours. Here are some tips and tricks to pull off great creations.

1. Do not add too many accessories and make your look cheap. However do add at least two accessories in your outfit to brighten it up.

2. Matching a colour and white or a colour and black will look really effective.

3. A long dress and spiky fur heels are not a good match!

4. Make sure the colours you match together fit well! Don't match more than three colours together or it will look messy.

5. Make your outfit unique and special. Try using accessories near the back of the shop and clothing items or shoes near the back to make your look stand out!

6. A simple long glittery white dress or a short black dress looks really effective. Try buying a garment in just white or black (it will look stunning!)

7. Try not to make your look just one shade of a colour. Try two or three shades of pink or try a bright pink with white. 

Last tip: Those long spiky fur heels in the shop for 700 star coins do not look good with everything!

I hope these tips help and inspire you to create some fashionable designs! Sorry for the incredibly long post! Here are some looks VIP and non VIP for further inspiration.

Non VIP.


Sunday, 5 January 2014

New Series♥

Me Posing as Ariel from Little Mermaid!

Hai the new theme on MSP this week is Sea Punk and I am dressed as Ariel from Little Mermaid

thanks to Hollyrenee for letting me buy her costume. 

I hope you can all tune into my new series: Under the Sea about a beautiful mermaid

named Arielle who hides in Merroway Cave as a horrible 'sea kraken' is

capturing and killing mermaids everyday.

Arielle's sister Alyssa suddenly gets captured by the sea kraken and 

Arielle and her friend Flounder go on a journey of a life time to save her.

If there are not enough views the series will be cancelled. 

Love ♥Queeny♥

Saturday, 4 January 2014

Lying About Cancer.

I find it sickening when people lie that they have cancer.

They want you to feel pity and send them a greeting.

This girl is clearly lying about cancer because if she was really dying 

she would be in a hospital, unconscious. She would be worried about staying

alive not a greeting. This is really out of hand.

In this world there are poor girls who are suffering with cancer.
It is cruel to make a joke for a greeting.

Please do not do this and if you see someone is clearly lying report them.

MSP even made a forum about lying about cancer.

So please do not do this - just ask you may get one. 

Lying about cancer will not help.

Love ♥ Queeny ♥

Example (3 different screenshots, bad at this sorry!)


I have reported so many people based on their inappropriate arties, forums and hate.

I recently reported a girl for this disgusting forum that made me feel sick.

Fortunately this gross forum has been deleted!!!

I am glad the MSP staff replied to this as they usually don't reply to my reports!

If you feel anything is inappropriate or wrong or uncomfortable report it,

because believe it or not MSP do really reply!

Lool sound like a mum or something.

Love  ♥ Queeny 

Friday, 3 January 2014

Welcome to my blog ♥

Hai welcome to my awesome new blog all about movie star-planet. 

Here you will recieve the latest gossip and news and everything you need to know about the game.

Please follow me if you already have a blog and I will follow you back.

Comment your thoughts and let me know if you hear anything interesting.

Love  Queeny