Recently I have created a twitter account: QueenAmerica14. If you have twitter please follow me its greatly appreciated!! I will be tweeting regularly about life & MSP so stay tuned ;)
Moving on it is Safety Internet Day Today and I thought about making a short post about it to spread the message of safety on the Internet. Sit back and make sure to listen ;)
Safety Internet Day
I am really glad MSP have Safety Internet Week. Considering it is an Internet Game, this is great! What isn't so great is the fact that MSP aren't really bothered. I have heard rumours about high levels blocking people (rumours), nasty private messages and hate on walls.
Everyone please just THINK! Would you like that comment said to you? No! So don't post it. It's as simple as that. Don't hate on people, imagine them hating on you. Even a nasty comment will put someone down. If you think someone is doing something wrong, just politely and kindly talk to them about it instead of posting a series of mean comments.
MSP are not joking when they threaten to lock out bad behaviour! Please just think before you post or message someone on MSP. Think about their reaction to the msg.
How to deal with Cyberbullying. - this is a useful, helpful, gentle site to help you get past cyberbullying.
Okay first things first, block the person immediately. Make sure they can't access your wall or can't message you. This is important. Next, report them to the moderators and explain what they are saying. If they are making a fake account, keep blocking.
Do not respond to their hate messages just block and take screenshots. Gather the screenshots and send MSP an email about it and how it is affecting you. I am sure MSP will lock out the user, sometimes they ban the user from MSP, it has happened!
I know it sounds cheesy but tell someone. An adult preferably. Trust me, your parents/guardians care lots about you! Show the screenshots to an adult, explain your situation. It could be an older brother/sister. As long as you inform someone!
Ignore their nasty comments and continue as normal. React as if you don't care. Don't write anything about hate on your status just carry on and keep calm. Remember these haters are most likely to be jealous of you and their comments are out of spite.
Helpful Tips about Online Unkindness.
1. Block the user and report them.
2. Do not respond to their hate messages.
3. Tell a parent/guardian/teacher etc.
4. Go on and I promise you they will help with your situation.
5. Do not give in to their threats or nastiness.
6. As soon as you get a hate message, block the user, don't read it. It is just some nonsense the hater is sending.
7. Ignore them e.g. don't post anything about getting hate, just pretend you aren't bothered.
Hope it helped :) Love you guys and I hope you feel safe on the Internet. Please visit safety internet day website if you have any issues, it is really good!!! SEE YA! :D